Friday, December 15

Bloggers list "Five things feminism has done for me"

by Ginette Petitpas-Taylor : "There is a silver lining to the dark clouds blown in by recent federal government cuts to support of equality-seeking Canadians. "

"The attacks forced some to think about how our lives would be different without the women's movement. "

What would your list look like?

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Complete article posted on Straight Goods

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The differences with out the women's movement would be a total night and day to the freedoms I enjoy now as a human being protected under the law.
1. I would still be the property of my father until I married and then I would become the property of my husband.
2. I would have sorrow and frustration in the raising of my daugters because they too would be property.
3. I would not be selfsufficient to the level I am now because of the then even lager gap of pay inequity between the sexes.
4. I would be poorly educated.
5. I would not be the person I am today because society would not allow it.