Thursday, December 21

Conservative cuts to funding of women's groups are short-sighted

The words "equality," "advocacy" and "action" were quietly removed from the Terms and Conditions of the SWC mandate, and from various SWC documents, such as its website - a chilling process that attempts to change history.

The tactic was borrowed from the Bush administration's handling of women's organizations in the U.S. Oda also eliminated virtually all funding for research, and made it impossible for women's organizations involved in advocating or lobbying governments to be eligible for SWC money. At the same time, Oda made for-profit organizations eligible for SWC funding.

What does this mean? It means that if Shell or Microsoft or Bell want to start a trainee program for women, they might get taxpayer money to do so, but regional, provincial/territorial or national women's organizations that deal daily with Canadian women and families on issues of violence or health or poverty can no longer get government funding from SWC for research. Nor can they educate government officials or policymakers with their knowledge and experience.

The Harper government has made a serious miscalculation if it believes that Canadians consider equality - women's or anyone's - and advocating for equality issues, a partisan or an ideological issue. Grassroots women's organizations employ a host of women and men with various political leanings, and work for communities that vote for all political parties.

Equality is a Canadian value, not an ideological option. Advocating for equality to improve public programs is not partisan, but simply good public policy. And funding organizations (a pittance) to educate our elected officials through both research and experience can only benefit all Canadians, and ensure the most efficient delivery of services to all regions.

Montreal Gazette (subscription) - Montreal,Quebec,Canada Read the entire article at status

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