February 2 - Groundhog Day - For years, the world of early spring harbingers has been an old boys' network dominated by Punxsutawney Phils, Wiarton Willie, Shubenacadie Sam and Buckeye Chucks
Massachusetts legislators want the gender bias to change.....Ms. G (that's short for Groundhog), a 4-year-old woodchuck from the Massachusetts Audubon Society's Drumlin Farm, has been nominated to be the state's first official groundhog. If approved by the Legislature this year, she would be the first female groundhog in the U.S. to hold such a title
While some say the political climate in the U.S. seems right for a female woodchuck, others saythere is a natural reason that the shadow-seeing had traditionally been left up to the males. Male woodchucks are the early risers of winter, driven out of hibernation by their desire to mate. Females, on the other hand, hang around their dens awaiting gentlemen callers.
Stereotypes aside - Gertie, Gracie and Woody have blazed the trail for you Ms. G - you go girl!!
What about the 2008 Predictions you ask?
- Wiarton Willie (Canada's most well-known groundhog) NO SHADOW - early spring
- Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia) NO SHADOW - early spring
- Balzac Billy, Balzac, Alta - NO SHADOW - early spring
- Watson Willow from Watson, Sask
- Manitoba's Merv in Oak Hammond Marsh, Man - SHADOW - forecasting six more weeks of winter
- Woody (is a female) from Howell, Mich - agreed with their Canadian counterparts - NO SHADOW - early spring
- Gen. Beauregard Lee in Georgia - agreed with their Canadian counterparts - NO SHADOW
- Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil - lone voice of dissent. He spotted his shadow, forecasting six more weeks of winter.
- Buckeye Chuck in Ohio - NO SHADOW - calling for an early spring
- Malverne Mel from Malverne, N.Y., on western Long Island - NO SHADOW - calling for an early spring
- Staten Island Chuck, in New York State. NO SHADOW - calling for an early spring
Rumours abound that Gertie, the resident Groundhog at Wildlife Prairie State Park, decided she had not seen her shadow and thus Spring is just around the corner. Park officials say Gertie has about a 70% accuracy rate. And at Lakeview Museum this morning, Gracie the Groundhog, also did not see her shadow and predicts an early Spring. Both Gertie and Gracie have been ignored by the media in favour of their ,male counterparts - if you have any further information - please send to Ms G - perhaps she could form a women's committee?
And can someone call Michigan and talk to Sister "Woody"?