Thursday, October 25

FFFFound on the Web

October is an awareness month for breast cancer and domestic violence. Yet media coverage shows we'd rather be aware of breasts, even sick ones, than talk about abuse. In the article: "Breast Cancer Sells" Lucinda Marshall writes that of the nine publications that she recently found on a grocery store magazine rack (all of which advertised breast cancer articles on the covers of their October issues) only two also contained coverage of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (and mentioned that on their covers).* And, what's worse, of the coverage dedicated to breast cancer, much of it was offensive, superficial, misleading, or flat-out wrong.

  • Herstory is about movements, not just individuals.

  • I'll Have My Cosmetics With a Side of Infertility, Please.......AlterNet's Stacy Malkan reveals the dangerous truth about everyday products we put in our hair and on our skin.

  • With an eye toward a brighter future for the country's indigenous peoples, the Canadian Auto Workers and Assembly of First Nations announced Thursday they are teaming up to "make poverty history" for aboriginal communities through a series of joint infrastructure initiatives.

  • Strong aboriginal female role models are not in short supply.That is the conclusion local author Kelly Fournel came to in the process of writing Great Women from Our First Nations, which profiles 10 outstanding women leaders in North America.

  • Another interview with Miloon Kothari, international housing advocate who recently visited Canada on a fact-finding mission to look at homelessness, aboriginal and women's housing issues, and the impact of the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver. "If You Are Poor, You Are Out": In Canada, there is a hidden homelessness, there is a large crisis in housing, high-density situations, there are not enough facilities for women escaping domestic violence.

  • A study released Thursday by the Canadian Institute for Health Information contains the latest data on the composition of the country's physician workforce including how many doctors are practicing in Canada, where they are and their demographic characteristics.
    One of the most noteworthy statistics is the growth rate of female physicians over a five-year period. Women are gaining ground in what was once a male-dominated profession and by 2006, women made up more than a third of the physician workforce (33.3 per cent) CIHI

  • The Governor-General reflects on what it means to be an immigrant and a woman.

  • The long gun in question is a .22-calibre bolt-action rifle. Myriam Bedard owns a bunch of 'em, all properly registered. These are the tools of her trade, as an elite biathlete, though no longer competitive. Bedard had to divest herself of all weapons earlier this month, as ordered by a Quebec judge per stipulation of her conditional discharge sentence for charges of abducting her daughter.....................Just when you thought things couldn't possibly get more - Guns for girls and glamorous weaponry.

  • Canada's military spending exceeds Cold War peak — study.

  • Fish gender-bender (by David Suzuki) - Human hormones mess with male fish.

  • Photo ffffound at.....FFFFOUND! is a web service that not only allows the users to post and share their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends each user's tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking experience!!

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