Tuesday, March 4

Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough”

“Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough,” is featured in the Atlantic Monthly March issue (available online)

A Roguish Chrestomathy , who has cancelled her subscription to the Atlantic Monthly piqued my interest on the article....she wrote:

".....to the director of circulation and reader services at The Atlantic Monthly. Because really, if I wanted to read the witless contumely of sexist trolls, I could do so for free on the Web; I don't need to pay to have the stuff delivered to my door.....

....the burden of Gottlieb’s article, which seems to be that women should abandon romantic views of marriage in favour of more pragmatic ones, and that they should “settle” for whatever sort of husband they can get."

Being married to a slob who takes you for granted is fun, we swear! Don’t knock it!

Alternet asks: Why is a publication as prestigious as The Atlantic regularly publishing pieces that perpetuate the most hackneyed female stereotypes?

A friend of Leslie Blume puts it crudely:

"When you opt into a marriage of convenience solely because you want the material support, especially when you admit to being repulsed by the man -- that's low-grade prostitution legitimized by a marriage certificate.........

And furthermore, Gotlieb's argument is unfair to the rest of us women who don't want to be reduced to Desperate Housewives-in-the-making. It shreds our credibility across the board: Emotionally, professionally, and economically. Gottlieb has created yet another ugly division in a generation of women defined not by solidarity but by Mommy Wars and the Opt-Outs-vs-the-Opts-Ins. It's also selfish and presumptuous to impose this worldview on the next generation of daughters, teaching them by example that marriage is based not on emotional commitment but rather by sheerly "market-driven" forces."

Another forgotten study finds that husbands less likely to share housework than live-in boyfriends

"Marriage as an institution seems to have a traditionalizing effect on couples — even couples who see men and women as equal," lead author Shannon Davis, a sociology professor at Virginia's George Mason University,

In all countries, there was a discrepancy in hours of housework among the sexes, with men reporting a mean of 9.41 hours weekly and women 21.13 hours weekly, the study said.

Maybe a better answer is : Live with him: The case for getting more of the housework done?

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