Monday, March 24

Water, Sanitation and Eco-feminist Action in the 21st Century

I missed posting about International Water Day on March 22 but it's not too late to take part in an online action to tell PM Harper 'Water is for people, not profit' (in case you haven't heard, the "new government" is quietly negotiating away rights to our water)

This year, World Water Day also coincides with the International Year of Sanitation. There is a gender aspect to the issue of water and sanitation in large part - thanks to Eco-feminist Action in the 21st Century

Why Care About Water and Sanitation?

  • More than one billion people in the world do not have clean drinking water.
  • Lack of sanitation is a crisis affecting more than one out of three people on the planet
  • Every 20 seconds, somewhere in the world, a child dies due to poor sanitation conditions
  • Women suffer most from inadequate sanitation. Journeys to defecate in fields or forests, or even to public latrines, can be dangerous.
"...Women play a central role
in the provision, management, and safeguarding of water ...."

"This is one of the four internationally accepted principles of water management. This principle is especially important for the developing world where millions of women lack access to water for their basic needs. "

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