Monday, November 26

Our Innappropriate Response to Women With Addictions

Do men and women use drug/alcohol differently; do they take advantage of addictions treatment programs similarly and with equal success?

A number of researchers have focused their attentions on these questions in the last decade. Among the things we learn from these studies: Biological differences between men and women do play a role in how substance use becomes a problem. Women with addictions problems are seriously underrepresented among those entering and successfully completing treatment programs.

Which would lead many to ask: What is it about women that makes it more difficult for them to admit they have a problem, get help for that problem, and stick to treatment? But the research is also telling us that we should instead be asking: What is it about society and treatment programs that make it more difficult for women to admit they have a problem, to get help for that problem, and to stick to treatment? Luckily, the researchers have been so kind as to provide us with some answers….

- Excerpt, column by Chairperson Ginette Petitpas-Taylor, Moncton Times & Transcript, 15 Nov. 2007.

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